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In creating a narrative from which to base the intervention and the thesis, I am pulling from interviews, anecdotes, and statistics to build 2 distinct personalities at opposite ends of the socioeconomic spectrum. Representing the Private vs. Public dichotomy via the everydays of 2 individuals reveals the current conditions of the testing site so that I can design in response to both of them at once.


We see the days of A MAN and B MAN play out across the same 4 buildings on one of Grand Rapids’ main streets, Division Ave.


7:45 am


8:30 am


10:00 am


12:45 pm


12:50 pm


1:00 pm


3:00 pm


5:00 pm


10:00 pm


11:00 pm


...takes cares of business

...hangs out at the library

...socializes outside the library

...gets help finding and maintaining a job

...rests for a minute in a bit of shade/wind break

...gets dinner at a subsidized cafeteria

...asks for help/change outside the nightclub


7:45 am


8:30 am


10:00 am


12:45 pm


12:50 pm


1:00 pm


3:00 pm


5:00 pm


10:00 pm


11:00 pm


...goes to work

...returns DVD to the library on lunch break

...kicks one back at the nightclub after a long day

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